
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

Actress Gillian Anderson recommended this book on her official website.
I've read it and thought it was phenomenal.
It's labeled as "self-help" but, in my opinion, is different than the regular fare.
Has anyone read it?
If so, what did you think?
Let's talk.


Camille Alexa said...


I haven't read this. What do you think sets it apart from others of its genre?

Edgar L. Davis said...

There are many things that set it apart.
He starts the book with his story of conversion from a depressed, suicidal man of 29 years who has been sad all of his life. It's like the testimonials that are done in Pentacostal churches and AA.
Then the rest of the book is set up like an interveiw. The question are posed by an anonymous person (the reader, perhaps) and Mr. Tolle answers them in a very conversational manner. Now some would say that that style over sustance but what he's saying is very well-thought out and sometimes the trick of hooking an audience is to really believe what you're saying as a writer (actors do the same thing). His approach (or style of writing) is similiar to Deepak Chopra's (another famous self-help guru who I admire). What he says speaks to me but like everything else, its all a matter of what you have a taste for.
- Edgar